Bira Furniture

Visions and Values


  • To maintain the highest quality and be the leading manufacturer in the industry.
  • To provide employment opportunities and to develop skills and knowledge in woodworking to employees.
  • To maintain technological leadership through a continuous effort to update product technology and manufacturing methods.
  • To exploit and utilize the plenty availability of raw material efficiently and effectively.


To be a leading provider of high-quality space management solutions and services offering strategic value to customers.


We aim at being one of the best furniture providers with functionality, high quality and affordable price.


  • To stimulate public awareness and interest in wooden technique, which is easy to work with, comparatively cheap, renewable, and can be had at short notice as they are local materials.
  • To revolutionize the entire art of building in timber by this new technique.
  • To prevent the significance of space in a way those captures and inspire the public imagination.
  • An indispensable prerequisite for any practical application of the theories of static to practical structural asks.
  • To satisfy all the requirements that can meet international standards and provide cost benefits.