Bira Furniture

Handmade Carving

Wood Carving in Nepal…...cultural upbringing

There is a vast history towards the handicraft made in Nepal which can be recalled all the way back around the 5th century when various religions and groups began to form in the country and those religious groups started differentiating themselves through works of art and craft to contemplate their way of appreciation towards the Gods they worshipped.

Many of the craftsmen in Nepal experienced lucid dreaming having past rulers and kings appear in their dreams every night they went to sleep it got so immense that these craftsmen experienced the same dreams even while they were awake as if they were experiencing hallucinations with Gods trying to show them a path and give them a vision of the past world of growth in human intelligence, the suffering of men in the battles of the rulers, hard work and perseverance to build a better future, and pleasure within the fruit of life itself. This motivated and influenced these visionary craftsmen to have boundless creativity towards crafting.

Through the introduction of the Nordic Aryans having Mongolians, Buddhists and Hindus they were so appealed with the craft which had approached to them that it instantly had an expansive growth impact in the diverse culture initiating thorough however similar techniques to create different religious crafts which instantly branched into different types of traditional carvings used today.

Throughout the past eras, Nepalese handicrafts have been inspired by people from all around the world as antiques to give a positive influence to their surroundings. People from all around the world have traveled to experience the rich heritage that Nepal holds and with handicrafts, they can bring back a piece of that treasure’s memory to what Nepal had been in the past.

Travelers from China, named Huansang and Wanghunshe around the 648 AD was so admired with the Nepalese craft and the structural homes, that they praised this craftsman of their skill describing in his travel book about the Licchavi kingdom expressing his feeling towards the beauty of woodcraft, sculptures and decors.